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Hi, Zaebucca! I noticed a problem in the Cave_A and Cave_B tilesets. The floor tiles in the bottom left corner are misaligned. I had to move them down half a tile for them to work as intended. This seems to be an error in the packing of the sprites


hello is there any attack animations or is this more like jrpg overworld where the combat is seperate

ngl , this is absolutely gorgeous and very reminiscent of FF:Legends and Dragon Quest

Is it possible to use these assets in an open source project for a pirate themed game? It has the GPL 3.0 license. No, I have not used it yet :)

You could, but the assets would not be able to be GPLed since the license is more restrictive. While the GPL allows redistribution, the description of these assets clearly states that distribution is disallowed. So erm actually you can't distribute the game at all unless you distribute the rest of the game separate from the assets and then direct people here to download them. /hj

I would really love to see some more examples of the tileset in action, otherwise keep up the good work!

This pack looks great but, I was wondering if you plan on adding a snow expansion as well?

Amazing! This pack gives me an old Final Fantasy vibe. May I ask if you have any plans for Godot support soon, especially for the animation tiles?

How many layers would you recommend a game with these graphics to have?

That's all up to you how you want to handle it.
But generally speaking when I do it





Hello there! That's an interesting question. These tiles may work with as few as two layers (a terrain / structure layer, and an "overlay" layer for elements such as treetops and decorations with transparency). By following this strict limitation, you may be able to obtain a real retro-styled GBC aesthetic. Of course, on top of these two layers, a third one is dedicated to characters and animation.

I usually work with two or three layers as well + character/event layer, as this allows me slightly more freedom with overlaying tiles and transparent ones without making too many specific junction tiles!


this pack is insane. you're the GOAT


This is....... amazing

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